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Category: Lifestyle

Love grows best in small houses

You see for the last 3 years we have lived in a 1 bedroom house. With 10 people. 😳 And yes, we are very much looking forward to the day we get to move into our new bigger house, BUT there are a few things that I will actually miss about this small house and I believe our family has grown closer together through living in such a small area…

Disney Tips!

We have had two trips to Disney World and both were absolutely perfect, but our Disney learning curve would’ve been less if I had read a blog such as this telling me a few tips and tricks to maximize the Disney experience…

Momma, it’s okay to take care of yourself!

As busy mommas it is so easy to let the little people who mean everything to us consume every last ounce of energy leaving nothing for ourselves or our spouse. If this is repeated day in and day out we find ourselves far from the best version of who we can be…

Why Start a Blog

This will be a fun space for the kids to return to later on to read the thoughts of their mom as she was in the weeds raising them! It will also be a fun place for me to reflect back on as I get older to see what my thoughts were at different stages…