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Monthly Archives: February 2020

Random Acts of Kindness

These are so fun to do and at after you do a random act of kindness the strangest thing happens- yes, the receiver gets a nice surprise, but you walk away with such a heart of gratitude that your day is made as well…

How do you want your story to read?

How do I want my story to read? What is truly important in this life? We have a way of over complicating things, but when you really think of what is important on this side of heaven it is to love God and love others…

Raising kids near grandparents- the best decision we ever made

We moved to a property with 160 acres and made sure we had homes on the property for both sets of grandparents. Not a day goes by when the kids do not see their grandparents- sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for a few hours, and sometimes for a whole weekend. They think this is a normal part of childhood to be able to walk to their grandparents house for…

Why we think small town life is the best kind of life

When we first moved here we had a vehicle break down, but you wouldn’t know it because we didn’t miss a beat- you see the only three people we knew at that point stepped in without hesitation. The first person gave us a ride to where we were going, the second person gave us a loaner vehicle to use ‘as long as we needed it’ and the third…

Finding beauty in the mundane

Finding beauty in the mundane is a funny thing because once you start looking for beauty it fills your heart with so much gratitude that you end up seeing even more beauty and the cycle continues leaving you with a full heart ready to ‘run’ again…

Tips for travelling with small children- Lessons learned from a mom who drives a 15 passenger van!

I am usually flying solo without the daddybear when I am driving our 15 passenger van that we call the vanbus with our 8 kids. The thought of that may give you anxiety and I won’t lie and tell you that we are calm and collected all the time in the vanbus, but more often than not it is one of my favorite times to be with my kids…