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Karla Bradley

The formula that makes my baby happy

This post is sponsored by Gerber, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. I know the transition from breastmilk to bottle can be daunting. I wanted to give my daughter a gentleformula that was close to breastmilk. That’s when I found Gerber® Good Start® GentlePro PowderInfant Formula at Walmart. It was the perfect choice for us because it is the first and only infant formulawith 2…

Camper Flipping Series: Choosing a design theme

This is one of my favorite parts of working on campers. The creativity that is required to adapt to a need for change. Sometimes what I had in my head is just not working out and I have to think outside the box to make something else work- and every time it ends up better than my original idea…

Camper Flipping Series: Interior and Exterior Painting

Painting is when it starts to get fun. The whole look of the camper changes when a fresh paint job is completed! Painting is also one of those projects that is exciting, but exhausting and sometimes it seems like it is neverending…

Camper Flipping Series: Tips on Demolition!

When I am doing demo I can’t help but think of the history of the camper and all the years that these things were in there. Rather than looking at it as destroying a vintage camper I like to think of it as bringing an old camper back to life with a new look- like a camper facelift 🙂

Demo can be gross and can seem neverending, but once it…

Camper Flipping Series: 10 things to consider when looking at a project camper

A vintage camper that you are looking at for a project will have issues and quirks if you will. Many of these things are not deal breakers, but do need to be taken into account when choosing a camper. If you spend a lot of money repairing the structure that is less money that you may make as a profit. It is also a lot of time spent doing dirty…

Camper Flipping Series: How to find a good camper project

So, you have seen the picture perfect photos of vintage campers and think it may be fun to try it yourself. You are right! It can be fun and it is rewarding-but only if you find the right camper to work on…