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Category: Large Family

How to support a friend struggling with infertility when you are not

We have had eight healthy children and zero miscarriages. We realize that this is a huge blessing and realize even more how rare this scenario is. I wish I could tell my friends who are struggling what our secret is. I have read that the majority of women have had atleast one miscarriage. You are more normal than abnormal if you have struggled in this area…

Mother’s Day- the most joyous or most painful holiday

Mother’s Day. What a wonderful day to celebrate mothers, right!? When I think of Mother’s Day I look forward to getting a stack full of cards and drawings and cute ‘about mom’ questionnaires that my kids make for me. It is a day when my kids tell me how much they love me a little extra and my husband reminds me that this house could not function without…

Ramblings of a SAHM

When I was working there was a sense of accomplishment when a task was completed and often I was even told good job, but in my new SAHM role the work is never ending- there is never a completed task. Some days it feels like you are on a hamster wheel more than a race with a finish line. The tasks are not high functioning, but very monotonous- change a…

Mother’s Day Gift Guide and top 10 essentials for every mom

Mother’s Day is right around the corner! Moms, this is OUR day! If you are lucky you can claim the whole week or even the whole month for YOU! But, if you are like me you may be lucky to take a quick power nap and get a few homemade cards and call it good and still feel blessed beyond measure…

Taking a good family photo- my tips and tricks!

We have had professional pics taken multiple times a year from our beginning. I have had so many questions over the years about how we get such good pictures with little kids. I’ll share everything I can think of to help make picture day the best it can be…

100 Indoor Activities for Kids

We enjoy an occasional day at home, but our default is go Go GO!!! Sometimes we are forced to say in due to weather or cancellations and when that happens I have to have a game plan in order to prevent the walls from closing in! Here is a list of a few- like a hundred- items that will hopefully give you ideas to keep your little ones busy on…