Potty Training Tips

I am probably not an expert on potty training considering I still have to clean up pee on the floor every now and then, but I have successfully potty trained 6 kiddos with 1 currently in process and 1 more to go after that 😉 I have tried different things and have settled in with the following tips.

Each child is different and like with all aspects of raising children, there is no one size fits all approach.

Here are the main things that seem to work well for us:

I hope these tips help you get started. I feel like the most important one is the first item- make sure your child shows interest in potty training first. I have tried to potty train a child at age two only to end up frustrated and then start again closer to age three- and that is okay! Every child is different.

My first daughter wanted to potty train at 19 months and was amazing- you just never know! If you get discouraged just remember that your child WILL learn to use the bathroom- have you ever met an adult that just never learned how to use a toilet!? Funny thought- but really, don’t stress about this too much- it will happen when the child is ready- usually around age 2.5 but it may be earlier and it may be later. Good luck, momma!!

Until next time,


About The Author

Karla Bradley

I am a mommy of 8 awesome kiddos. We are building a classic colonial home. I love remodeling vintage campers and my hubby enjoys fishing when he is not in the operating room. We live a fun life and I love sharing ideas to help make life easier for other mommas. Hope you enjoy our page!