Ramblings of a SAHM

I am fairly new to the stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) club. I worked from the time I was out of graduate school until the time I was pregnant with our 7th baby. We knew that I would likely one day stay at home with the kids, but when the day actually came for me to go to work that last day I never really knew what to expect.

All I ever knew was being a working mom. That worked well for me. I loved the challenges that my job brought and working with other talented people to complete a goal. I then loved coming home to my babies and loving on them before putting them to bed and doing it all over again.

my last day of work as a Hospital Administrator

This SAHM stuff was new territory for me.

We also moved to a new town when I became a SAHM, too- the very next day, actually! So the first month or so I was so busy unpacking boxes and getting settled I didn’t really notice that I was home full time, now! My husband took a little break before starting his new job, too, so that first month just felt like a big awesome vacation!

Woo hoo! This SAHM stuff rocks!

Then, school started back again and we got into a routine. Routines are nice, but they can get boring- fast. I love my babies, but my mind was not being challenged with work projects and people were not coming to me asking advice on how to resolve a work problem and I felt my mind turning into mush.

I am a busy body.

You probably can figure that out by looking at our Instagram stories, but I like to go go go. I don’t take naps and I don’t like to sit down. Staying at home with my 2 year old and 1 year old during the day required me to slooooww down. It also required me to be so silly and goofy- they love that.

When I was working there was a sense of accomplishment when a task was completed and often I was even told good job, but in my new SAHM role the work is never ending- there is never a completed task.

Some days it feels like you are on a hamster wheel more than a race with a finish line.

The tasks are not high functioning, but very monotonous- change a diaper, fill a sippy cup, clean up a mess, make a meal, clean up a meal, clean up another mess, repeat… and there is no good job said for any of this.

Now before you think this is a depressing woah is me post about how hard my life is staying home with my babies just keep reading.

So, at first I did not know what to expect and found my new job to be sort of boring to be honest. The days were to slow for my liking and it was not challenging enough. I know that sounds ridiculous, but I am just being honest. So, I started working on campers again and found my niche!

I noticed that I was a happier momma when I had a hobby that allowed me to use my creative mind.

This hobby also allowed me a few hours away a few times a week and when I came back the kids were so excited to see me and I was so excited to see them. Absence makes the heart grow fonder I guess- even if I was just outside.

A quote that describes raising children so well is ‘the days are long, but the years are short.’ Man, that is so true.

When I look back at facebook memories and see what we were doing a year ago I am always amazed how fast time goes by. I notice this even more as a SAHM. The days can be so long, but those years are lightning fast.

My perception of a SAHM before I became one is that there would be long strolls in the park and laughing and cuddling all day. I was not prepared to feel bleh or bored, but it happened. After I found ways to incorporate a way to be creative while I was at home with my babies my days got more enjoyable.

My years of being a SAHM may look different than I originally thought, but I love this life so much and would never want to be doing anything else.

Being able to be with my babies all day every day is a gift both to me and to them. And I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Until next time,


About The Author

Karla Bradley

I am a mommy of 8 awesome kiddos. We are building a classic colonial home. I love remodeling vintage campers and my hubby enjoys fishing when he is not in the operating room. We live a fun life and I love sharing ideas to help make life easier for other mommas. Hope you enjoy our page!