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Category: Lifestyle

Ramblings of a SAHM

When I was working there was a sense of accomplishment when a task was completed and often I was even told good job, but in my new SAHM role the work is never ending- there is never a completed task. Some days it feels like you are on a hamster wheel more than a race with a finish line. The tasks are not high functioning, but very monotonous- change a…

The Homebody T-Shirt Fundraiser Results

You may have discovered our blog through the Homebody T-shirt Fundraiser that we did this month to benefit the Baxter Regional Medical Center Foundation to help provide PPE due to COVID-19. This was such a fun and humbling event. I had no idea what would happen…

COVID-19 ‘Homebody’ t-shirt Fundraiser

Over the past few weeks it has been on my mind to do something more to help our community in preparing for and in currently dealing with the coronavirus. I did not know what to do, but I tried to just be still and pray about it. Then, one night it all came together and I am so excited to share this with you…

Taking a good family photo- my tips and tricks!

We have had professional pics taken multiple times a year from our beginning. I have had so many questions over the years about how we get such good pictures with little kids. I’ll share everything I can think of to help make picture day the best it can be…

A fun indoor activity: Q&A with the kids!

Each year I try to ask the kids random questions and record their answers. It is always a sweet thing to look back on. Some years I see the reminder on my calendar to ‘ask the kids yearly questions’ but we are too busy and I never get around to it…

Potty Training Tips

I am probably not an expert on potty training considering I still have to clean up pee on the floor every now and then, but I have potty trained 6 kiddos with 1 currently in process and 1 more to go after that 😉 I have tried different things and have settled in with the following tips…